Friday, February 5, 2016

February: Children's Dental Health Month

Reports show that American students miss 51 million hours of school every year because of oral health problems and students who have had recent oral health issues are more likely to have a lower grade point average than students who have not.

Every February the ADA recognizes National Children's Dental Health Month. To raise awareness about the importance of oral health for our kids, here are some tips to help them maintain good oral health habits.

Here are some basic steps to help our children maintain good dental health:

  • Brush for 2 minutes, twice a day - set a kitchen timer to help time their brushing
  • Show your children how to floss. If traditional floss proves too difficult, try disposable floss picks.
  • Eat healthy and limit sugary snacks and drinks.
  • Serve as a good role model by practicing good dental hygiene habits with your kids
  • Be sure to visit the dentist for routine checkups.
Developing good habits at an early age and scheduling regular dental visits helps children get a good start on a lifetime of healthy teeth and gums,