Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Benefits of CEREC

Getting dental crowns used to be such a chore. You would have to find time to schedule multiple dental visits, the first visit, to take impressions of the teeth, where they are then sent off to a laboratory to create the crowns. The second appointment to finally get your dental restoration.

What is CEREC?

CEREC stands for Chairside Economical Restorations of Esthetic CeramicCEREC crowns use 3D imaging to create crowns while the patient is still in the chair, letting patients get their crowns in just one visit. In as little as fifteen minutes, your crown can be ready for placement, creating results that can last a lifetime.
Other restorations like veneers or inlays/onlays can also be designed and fabricated in-office while you wait.

No Need For Temporary Crowns

Teeth need to be protected while traditional crowns are being made. That is why patients receive temporary crowns to wear until they receive their permanent crowns at the second appointment. Temporary crowns can be ill-fitting and uncomfortable. You will not have to worry about temporary crowns with the one-visit CEREC crown option!

No Dental Impressions

Dental impressions are taken for a variety of reasons. The process typically involves placing dental trays containing a putty-like substance into the mouth to create a mold of the teeth. Dental impressions can be uncomfortable, especially for those with a bad gag reflex. Luckily CEREC crowns do not need dental impressions! New Hampshire Family Dentistry is equipped with CAD/CAM technology to take 3D images that will provide all of the information needed to create your crowns.

Many patients are great candidates for CEREC crowns. If you are dealing with a severely misshapen, discolored, broken or cracked tooth that needs repair, then a CEREC crown may be able to help.

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